How to Stay Healthy in Flight

Sitting for long periods of time can really do some damage to your body.

Next time you’re on that long flight, get up and move!

On the day of your flight get some exercise.
Go to the gym the morning of or take a long walk before you leave for the airport.
Don’t have the time?  Stretch at the gate or do a few laps around the terminal.

Stay active while flying
Do some leg lifts while seated.
Flex your feet and hands.
When you're waiting for the bathroom, stretch those arms.

Virgin Atlantic has some wonderful suggestions for in flight exercisesClick here
How about yoga on the plane? has a great article on this! Click here

Stay hydrated
Drink lots and lots of water.
Stay away from caffeine and alcohol.

Take your vitamins and eat well!
Vitamin C supplements can be found at most drugstores.
Pack some healthy snacks, eat light and stay away from salty foods.

Bring your own
Creeped out by the used pillows and blankets on the plane? Bring a shawl to use as a pillow case. You can use the shawl as a blanket too. At the end of your trip, use the shawl to wrap up dirty clothes.

Keep it clean
Bring disinfectant wipes.
Always use toilet seat covers and try not to touch too many surfaces in the bathroom.
If you already have the flu or don't want to catch a nasty cold, you can wear a particle mask.

Stay comfortable
Wear loose fitting clothing. Who wants to sit for 8 hours in skin tight jeans and heels?

When I’m flying for more than 8 hours, I wear compression socks. They may not be the most fashionable choice – but at least my feet aren’t as swollen! 

Don't forget a small toiletry bag- Lip balm, small mirror, Advil, eye drops, mascara, gum or mints, hair tie, and pocket-size tissues. Don't forget noise canceling ear buds. 

Bring a extra pair of clothes and underwear especially if your luggage doesn't make it. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful ideas! Short and to the point! Very useful!
